Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern burst onto the national scene in 2008 when she announced that “the homosexual agenda” posed a bigger threat to the United States than terrorism, comments which drew outraged reactions that she later turned into cash by writing a book titled The Stoning of Sally Kern. She also accuses her detractors of…

47 thoughts on “Oklahoma Republican Wants Gay Kids To Kill Themselves For Jesus”
  1. Sally Kern: a leading example of the American Taliban. We should send her to Aghanistan, where she’s find she has a lot in common with their Taliban. Of course, they would insist on covering her up in a burka that hides her completely — but that would be OK in this case.

    1. She would make a great second or third wife to someone. And she’d have to keep her mouth shut. Maybe a gofundme account for a one way ticket there?

  2. More “small government” THUGS, pushing their hateful Christian extremism theocracy on law-abiding, tax-paying, free citizens.

  3. Christian Zealots have been invading the GOP for a couple decades. I believe it was Jerry Farwell or another evangelist that said the GOP is the vehicle to a Christian Nation and advised taking control of every public office from school boards to the presidency. From what I see most have no concern for any law that doesn’t support their beliefs however twisted they might be. I’ve adopted the policy where I vote straight Democrat every election and hope one of them hasn’t slipped under my sight.

    1. It was Falwell and Robertson, but the Rev. D. James Kennedy – also paying the price for siding with the Pharisees, along with Falwell, in Hell – and R. J. Rushdoony, the founder of the Dominionist Movement and the Chalcedon Foundation (a cover group dedicated to imposing Dominionist theocracy upon the US), are both responsible for bringing it into action.

      Scary thought of the decade: Ted Cruz is a follower of Rushdoony, and was recently quoted by Right Wing Watch as saying America can only be turned around by scrapping the Constitution, ending our Republic and replacing it with an evangelical Theocracy.

      They can have this Veteran’s freedom over my dead Irish ass.

      1. We are lucky that Cruz has so very little charisma. People tend to dislike him on sight. Those that have the misfortune to actually know him have found little to change that impression.

        1. He leads one poll only. Ted Cruz is Number One in the category of “The face people would most love to punch.”

  4. A piece of trash is what she is. Disgusting, hateful, bigoted, greedy, racist, piece of trash, and the ones who voted for her are no better.

  5. Has it occurred to her that every piece of legislation she has put forwards is unconstitutional?
    Conversion therapy is a fraudulent practice therefore it is a criminal act, and cannot be protected by law.
    Open door businesses are public accommodations and protecting them from legal redress is illegally depriving LGBT citizens of the full protection of the law.
    And on and on.

    1. Completely understandable, but tornadoes don’t discriminate, like that wacked-out crone, and so a tornado is as likely to take out an enlightened Oklahoman, maybe a member of Oklahomans for Equality, as it is to take out bigots like her.

  6. The lunatics have always been with us. What is frightening, is espousing these beliefs are attractive to the people around them to vote for them. Where they live, there are. This is one of the comments directly attributed to Christ. “Do not complain about the splinter in another’s eye, until you remove the log in yours.”

  7. I feel sorry for all the normal, open minded people in Oklahoma who have someone like this trying to hurt so many due to her own fears and insecurities.

  8. Will someone please shut this idiot and her friends up so they will stop with their retarded agendas? A few 7.62 rounds should do the trick

  9. This is one of the most blatant demonstrations of being “anti-Christ” as I have ever seen! Why do they continue to empower us as Gay men and women. My love for my partner threatens you so much that you feel the need to ask me to kill myself? All RWFundChristians you have lost your way and diverted from the path of love, forgiveness, inclusion, patience and faith.

  10. Reminder. Bible is written by men. Not God. Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time. Deal with it!. Live and let Live.

  11. sally let me tell you something i hope you dont have children you would make awefull mom and what if you do have a child who was gay would you tell them to kill themselves what a mean thing to say terrorism has been around along time it looks like its not going away anytime soon we are trying to save lives not to kill them think about what you say before you say it thanks

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