Looks like WJJ Hoge and Aaron Justin Walker have some company in their quest to get armed or stay armed and get ready for civil war. You see they believe like James Yeager above believes, that civil war is coming, and if you don’t have your guns ready, well, you will certainly be sorry. This is the problem with the gun debate. These are the guys that the NRA, along with nutcase Sheriff Joe Arpio, want to send into the schools, to, ya know, protect the children. Imagine if you will a guy like James Yeager in your child’s school armed to the teeth and standing by for WAR.

Or imagine he is a co-worker who is talking like this at work, much like Aaron Walker did when it came to getting rid of Muslims by way of telling Muslims to come and get me bitches? Now would you want to work around guys like this? Would you want them protecting the school children? I think what most of these gun lobby nuts think is that guys like Yeager are stable and wouldn’t go ballistic one day if their wives left them, or they didn’t eat their Cheerios that morning because the milk was bad, or if Obama got a third term in office, or if maybe some dude just flipped them the bird one day and they decided to just go all out and get some. And what better place for them to unload their anger where they would potentially be allowed to patrol armed to the teeth than a school yard? See, their version says as long as they are employees they couldn’t possibly go out and commit mass murder. You see, mass murders in the work place just don’t happen. So let’s have a call for more armed to the teeth people like Aaron Walker, WJJ Hoge and good old boy James Yeager. Let’s suit em up and get em a bus ride to the school yard and let em lock and load…


Side note, look how Andrew Breitbart thought about getting the guns and starting to eliminate liberals. I am sure he had guys like James Yeager covering his back.


9 thoughts on “Right Wing Nut Jobs Get Ready To Kill People (Video:NSFW)”
  1. Amazingly, if these exact words were spoken by a person of color, the NRA would be scrambling to get every weapon out of every hand in the county.

  2. Such frauds and hypocrites. The same trash who supported police torturing occupiers are now threatening to kill the police because of gun control??? So let me get this straight. Occupiers sit in a park holding signs protesting against corruption & fighting for human rights. “Conservatives” want those occupiers beaten, abused, raped, tortured, and their heads cracked open on street corners. But waaaaah boo fucking hoo I will kill you if you take away my guns?? Waaaah. FUCK YOU!!

  3. You have no fucking rights if it steps over my rights and the rights of our citizens. You have no right to own machine guns and semi-automatic guns that not even the police have. You can have your hand guns for the home and your rifles for hunting. But none of these people have ever explained why the fuck they need a semi-automatic gun for that shoots dozens of bullets at a time.

    People have the right to go to the mall and movie theater without fearing they’ll be shot dead. Kids have the right to go to school without fearing they’ll be shot dead. What a nifty swell idea the NRA has wanting armed guards in schools. Why don’t they pay for it then!!!!!

    Because where the fuck will all this money come from?? Education always gets the cuts when it comes to cutting the budget. Teachers have to buy books and supplies for their students because the school can’t afford it. So where will all this money come from to get armed guards??

    Armed guards mean nothing in a school if the shooter is a student who knows the layout of the school. Who do you think they’ll go shoot first?? Armed guards did nothing to stop Columbine either since they had guards there. Most inner city schools already have armed guards. Armed guards mean nothing if the shooter is a student who knows the layout of the school.

  4. I thought I was paranoid. Why do these people think the government is after them? Did they do something wrong?? You just KNOW that Yeager has some sort of shit in his background. If you’re not a violent criminal or severally mentally unstable, then no one will be taking away your guns. Gun control does not mean taking guns away. WHY don’t many of them want background checks done or a waiting period?? If there’s a waiting period, that potential killer might think twice if he had to week a few weeks.


    I can’t stand the hypocrisy where these same people defended the police beating occupiers who were fighting against corruption & wanting basic human rights. So occupiers, Liberals, and Anonymous don’t have rights but you do?? So occupiers fighting against corruption should be beaten and abused while “conservatives” can start plotting to kill LE over gun rights??

  6. So “conservatives” and “patriots” translates to MURDERERS. Where’s that love now for the police when you were defending them beating occupiers?? Occupiers never plotted to kill police!! Boo fucking hoo over releasing police files when Anonymous doxed them but “conservatives” now want to kill the police and government officials. They complained when Anonymous doxed dirty cops but here the same “conservatives” are plotting to KILL the same police over gun control.

  7. Your little guns won’t be any match when it comes to the government. Are you kidding me?? WOW. You had a preview from LE after what they put occupiers through. What do you think LE has planned now for crazy “conservatives & patriots” who are openly plotting to kill them??

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