More lunacy today from the interwebs from Manassas Virginia Attorney Aaron Walker, who masquerades on Twitter as @AaronWorthing over the Garland Texas shootings and his quest to now identify as, or with, Pamela Geller, by having his twitter avatar changed to “I Am Pamela Geller,” and also obtaining a Fatwa, or death sentence, against himself, which I might add has been a 5 year quest on his part.

For those who don’t know Walker, a quick summation would be that he started an anti-Muslim cartoon blog called Everyone Draw Mohammed 5 years ago under the nom de plume Aaron Worthing, he was eventually outed as Manassas Virginia Attorney at Law, Aaron Justin Walker, who was then involved in countless lawsuits and battles because of his outing by claiming various individuals (including this website) were out to get him killed, and he continues on occasion to try to get a fatwa issued against himself by radical jihadists by picking at a sore he hopes will eventually bleed. Sure there is plenty of context in between, but suffice it to say it’s not worth going into in this post. If you wish to read more about Walker you can go herehere, here, here and here, or just type Aaron Walker into the search box.

Now we enter into the Garland Texas shootings over Pamela Geller’s Prophet Mohammed cartoon drawing contest, and then we mix in Aaron Walker (just because that’s what he wants) and out pops this hatred by Walker masked as some free speech heroics on his part, and his continued quest to have himself put on a death list by radical jihadists who truly don’t give two shits for him or anyone else when it concerns the drawings of the Prophet Mohammed.

The issue isn’t drawing Mohammed as much as it is drawing intense heat on one’s lunatic causes of needing maximum publicity on a subject that inflames certain groups, who will I might add commit mass murder because one has committed acts they consider against their belief system. And that is where you will find the bigots who come out of the closet looking for a fight, and or looking for the grim reaper to show up to their event just for the publicity.

You see, these right wing bigots act all tough up front, seeking out fights, getting their guns ready, and muskets filled with powder, but when they get up close and personal with the grim reaper they all run scared, or in the case in Garland, they hire beefy security guards at 10k a night for protection while acting like they are heroes for standing up.

Those who run these events know they are going to have trouble, and more to the point, they seek out that trouble, but in reality they are too afraid to actually go out into the street and challenge or confront those that would come against them. Instead, they rely on heavy security guards at 10k a pop to protect them while they claim their title of free speech heroes. In the case of Aaron Walker, who has been dying to get a death sentence for five years running, the only problem he has is that he doesn’t have 10k a night to protect himself, or even those around him, or even those around where he lives in Manassas Virginia. No, those people are just collateral damage as Walker would say in his fight to be a free speech martyr.

For the last day or so on Twitter he has been posting his usual screeds of the Prophet being a pedophile, which he calls pretty much everyone who disagrees with him or questions him or his activities for any length of time, and he continues to post his usual dreaded stick figure drawings of the Prophet Mohammed as attachments to his tweets, as if he wants the message heard loud and clear, jihadis of the world, “come and get me bitches” as he has said numerous times on his blog and elsewhere.

What is clear from Walker’s past ravings is that he wants to engage with some form of radical Islam, and he wants that engagement to be a gun battle. In my opinion, he is on a quest to have a running battle down the streets of Manassas Virginia, where he, the free speech hero, engages with Muslims carrying AK’s and rocket launchers, while Walker, and his six-gun pee shooter, shoots back at them until he scores a few notches in his belt taking them out. It is all a childish dream really, it’s almost as if Walker is playing out some fantasy he had as a child, which in some ways he is because quite frankly he seems to have never grown up. But I digress.

But what about his neighbors? What about those who live next to him? Will they wish to be engaged in the same fight as he? What about the city of Manassas Virginia, how do they feel about Walker being in their midst? Do they want running gun battles on their streets?

Now that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks, they have claimed in various tweets this one standard for all who would think that they are not serious about drawing the Prophet Mohammed:

“Let anyone who wants to draw the picture of our Prophet to think one thousand times before doing so, because our hands can reach his neck,”

They have also issued several warnings for those in the United States:

“We tell … America that what is coming will be more grievous and more bitter and you will see from the soldiers of the Caliphate what will harm you, God willing,”

“How are you (Americans) going to live when we create our lone wolves to be nuclear bombs … by God, you can’t match us and in the heart of your homes you will see,”

And here we have good old boy Aaron Walker clearly clueless about how dangerous it is to continue his quest for a fatwa. What is certain is that these people believe in their cause much more than Aaron Walker does, and they seem to be very serious about stopping this cartoon drawing activity, free speech or not. This site is not attempting to say either way which way is the best way for those in that battlespace, what we are trying to say however, is that hanging around Aaron Walker is like hanging around a person carrying a sack of dynamite, it is not sure when that explosion will happen, but the longer you walk with it the more dangerous it becomes.




By Marcus Crassus

Marcus Licinius Crassus was a Roman general and politician who played a key role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.

9 thoughts on “Manassas VA Attorney Continues Quest For Fatwa”
  1. It’s not fee speech, it’s fighting words and screaming fire in the crowded theater. These are not protected under the first amendment. If Walker drove through East Baltimore yelling the n word, he would suffer the consequences no matter how high he raised his first amendment shield. Like they say, you don’t stir the hornet’s nest if you don’t want to get stung. If Manassas officials don’t deal with the threat that Walker has created, they will most certainly be dealing with a mass casualty incident. ISIS has made that very clear.

  2. Is Aaron Walker free to get himself killed? Sure. I just wish he’d go live on an island somewhere so no one else had to risk injury over it.

    Maybe we should do an Everybody Draw Aaron Walker blog.

  3. ABC7 and a few VA papers have been provided links to this article and a request for further public awareness about this dangerous man.

  4. Did ISIS just telegraph that it is coming for Aaron Walker? That’s the way it appears from this announcement from the terror group. ISIS announced they have 71 soldiers in 15 states and that there will be an attack in Virginia. Add this to the earlier statement that these soldiers will vanquish anyone who insults their Prophet and it follows that Aaron Walker is a clear target. I can say this much–our intrepid law enforcement officials are aware of this connection, but I cannot say more. After what I have seen overseas the past six months, ISIS says what it means and does what it says.

  5. Point A. Walkers boobs are MUCH larger than those of Pamela Gellar.
    Point B. What Walker is hoping for is an infusion of cash from the very profitable “We Hate Mooslims, TOO!” organizations who will recognize his bravery in the face of this heathen attacker and fill his PayPal account with JESUS BUX.
    Point C. Aaron Walker will be the subject of the Liberal Grouch Podcast later today on most of these Stations, especially and There will be dramatic readings of his termination letter, his “COME AND GET ME BITCHES” call for martyrdom (via pseudonym) and his other acts of cowardice. Plenty o’ juicy mockery for your enjoyment.
    Point D. Aaron gives a shit about his neighbors, his city, or anything else.

  6. There is a possibility that someone reading this works with Aaron Walker, or even his wife. If so, please know that you are at risk. Talk to your employer, and know that Walker has already been fired from one job for putting his co-workers at risk with his “tweak the terrorist” game.

    And Aaron, assuming you are reading this and you don’t die but are merely maimed for life, in which case it would be bad form for me to ask, so I will ask it now: “Was it worth it?”

    1. There is no possibility of a co-worker seeing this. Aaron has been unemployed since being fired for ignoring his job in the pursuit of Brett Kimberlin and Islam, and I don’t believe he allows his wife to leave their shabby little home.

      1. Except for when he has her check under his car for bombs. You forgot he makes her do that still.

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